Project Detail

The population of Moree Plains is forecast to grow in the next twenty years due to significant infrastructure investment, including the Moree Special Activation Precinct (Moree SAP), new Inland Rail, and expansion of the Moree Regional Airport. Following from the Moree Plains Local Housing Strategy 2041, Moree Plains Shire Council is planning for the urban renewal of the Moree Town Centre through the preparation of a master plan and public domain plan. The Plan is a place-based, design and community-led process that will guide growth, change and renewal of the Moree township.  

Element Engagement

Element has been engaged by Council to lead a multidisciplinary team of consultants to deliver the Master Plan and Public Domain Plan for the Town Centre and surrounding areas. Element is the lead consultant providing:

  • Urban design
  • Strategic planning
  • Community and stakeholder engagement, and
  • Project management services to Council.  

Project Achievements

Since October 2023, Element has been working with Council, the sub-consultants and key stakeholders to prepare the draft Plan, which is in development. Early stakeholder engagement, Indigenous engagement, and planning, environmental, social, urban and economic analysis and research have been completed to date.